Jordan Holyland Egypt

Petra, one of the 7 New Wonders of the World

Starting with what is widely considered to be Jordan’s most popular attraction, Petra is a historical and archaeological city located in the south of Jordan. Also known as ‘Rose City’ due to the colouring of the stone, the city’s main entrance is a breathtaking sight located at the end of a winding stone corridor.

Once home to the ancient Nabatean people, Petra is estimated to have been around since as early as 312 BC and has been described by UNESCO as ‘one of the most precious cultural properties of man’s cultural heritage’.

Dead Sea

The Dead Sea serves as one of Jordan’s most unique experiences, where as a result of the high salt level, you will float effortlessly atop the water. Don’t forget to slather yourself in the natural mud, which has proven healing properties, due to the high concentration of salts and minerals, for physical ailments.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

As the most important pilgrimage site for Christians for centuries, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is a must-visit for Christians, history buffs and art lovers alike. Believed to be the location of Christ’s crucifixion, burial and resurrection, it is about as holy a site as you can find. In addition to its spiritual importance, the interior of the church is covered in breathtaking mosaics.

Egypt is rich in Ancient History

Let’s state the obvious reason first – steeped in rich history, Egypt is among the most fascinating countries of the ancient civilization. It offers a rich cultural experience and boasts of some of the most iconic landmarks in the world such as the Pyramids of Giza, Luxor temple, Egyptian Museum, The Valley of the Kings and famous cities, like Cairo, Hurghada, Aswan, Luxor, Sharm-El-Sheikh and many more, which are among the best places to visit in Egypt.

Follow Footsteps of Moses

Mount Moses, also known as Jabal Al Tor, is considered a holy site that is visited by tourists from different religions like Islam, Christianity and Judaism. It is where prophet Moses, peace be upon him, received the divine commandments from Allah. It is located in the beautiful Sinai Peninsula, where many enjoy mountain climbing and hiking as well.

Jordan’s Wadi Rum

While frequented by tourists, the experience of camping Bedouin-style in the vast desert under a sea of stars, miles from civilization, is still an unforgettable weekend getaway. With its expanse of red sand, dramatic sheer rock walls and extra-terrestrial landscape, many Jordanians cite Wadi Rum over Petra as their favorite attraction in the country. Within the protected area, there are dozens of Bedouin camps, from no-frills black goat-hair tents with shared bathrooms, all the way up to luxe desert glamping.

Walk in the footsteps of ancient civilisations

Some of the most well-preserved archaeological sites of the Roman Empire stand in Jordan. Aside from the ruins of the Greco-Roman city of Gerasa in Jerash, be sure to visit the Citadel (for amazing city views) and the Roman Theatre, both located close to downtown Amman.

Dome of the Rock

The golden dome at the center of the Temple Mount in Old City Jerusalem can be seen from around the city and is the third-holiest site in Sunni Islam. Muslims believe this to be the spot where Muhammad was transported from Mecca during the Night Journey. Again, no matter what your beliefs, the stunning exterior is a work of art worth checking out. It is open to non-Muslims for only a few select hours each week, so be sure to check before visiting.

Wailing Wall

Also known as the Western Wall or Kotel, the Wailing Wall is the holiest place in Judaism. Millions of visitors come each year to pray at this short segment of ancient wall that is believed to be the last remnant of the Second Temple built by Solomon. Whatever your religious leaning, a visit to the wall is a powerful experience as worshippers from around the world slip prayers written on folded pieces of paper into cracks in the walls.

World’s Longest River in Egypt

Ranking as the longest river in the world, the Nile River extends around 6,695 km in length and flows into the Mediterranean. Moreover, tourists can visit several attractions through the Nile; the most prominent being Luxor and Aswan.

Beautiful Egypt’s Beaches

Egypt’s beaches are a dream come true. The country is home to internationally competitive beaches with golden soft sands that are perfect for honeymooners, family, friends and even solo travellers. From natural pools and crystal blue waters to steady beaches as well as wave beaches, they are not to be missed.

Jordan’s Aqaba

A little sliver that keeps Jordan from being entirely landlocked, the seaport of Aqaba is teeming with recreation options. Four hours south of Amman, Aqaba has plenty of attractions from Mamluk Fort ruins and Aqaba Bird Observatory, to an 18-hole championship all-grass golf course, and duty-free shopping. But visitors flock to Aqaba for the water sports on or in the Red Sea: deep-sea fishing, speedboat tours, diving or snorkeling along coral reefs, kitesurfing, waterskiing, paddle boarding and jet skiing. Plentiful hotel options are available for every budget level.

Best Time to visit

For perfect sightseeing conditions, the best time to visit Jordan Holyland Egypt is during the spring (March – May) and autumn (September to November) months. At these times of the year the temperatures are cool enough to enjoy exploring iconic sites in Jordan, Holyland, and Egypt.

The winter months of November to March are the coldest in Holyland with snow in the northern reaches of the Golan Heights, and occasional snow fall in Jerusalem. The coast experiences the heaviest rainfall at this time though temperatures in places like Eilat are reasonably pleasant still.

Jordan experiences four seasons – spring, summer, autumn and winter. It’s largely considered a year-round destination with long, hot and dry summers and short cool winters. Despite being a relatively small country, Jordan has a diverse landscape and the climate does vary depending on the terrain and altitude.

Egypt has a generally high temperature, particularly during the summer months from May to August, when the sun can be very strong and temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius. If you’re visiting Egypt during this time, take plenty of sunscreen and drink lots of water. It’s still fine to visit Egypt at these times of year and the heat is more dry than humid.

Essential Information

  • Visas

    Israel has visa exemption agreements with many countries while Jordan and Egypt requires all nationalities to apply visa to enter the countries.

  • Time Zone

    GMT+ 2 for Egypt and Holyland and GMT+ 3 for Jordan and all with No Daylight Saving Time. Most Public Offices start from 0900 until 1700 while malls and shopping centers open from 1000.

  • Languages

    Languages spoken: Arabic (Jordan and Egypt), Arabic and Hebrew (Holyland) . Most people in Jordan Holyland and Egypt do not speak English except people working in tourist sectors.

  • Currency and Payment

    Currencies and Exchange rates are as follow: JOD Jordanian Dinar (in Jordan, 1USD=0,7JOD), ISL Israeli Shekel (in Holyland, 1USD=3,5-3,8ILS), EGP Egyptian Pound (in Egypt, 1USD=15-16EGP). Visa and MasterCard cards are widely accepted in all malls and shopping centers. Currency exchange shops are also easy to find.

  • Etiquette

    Here are some do’s and don’ts in Jordan, Holyland, Egypt:

    In Holyland

    Avoid politicsUnless you know someone well, it usually pays to avoid expressing an opinion on the conflict – or at least consider your audience when doing so.

    Be politeEven if it feels like nobody else is! Israelis are famously brusque – almost proudly so – so don’t be surprised if interactions don’t come with Ps and Qs.

    Dress appropriatelyIn Orthodox Jewish or Arab neighbourhoods. Although in most Israeli cities and certainly in Tel Aviv, anything goes.

    In Jordan and Egypt

    Sacred groundRemove your shoes before entering a mosque.

    TouchingDon’t touch someone from the opposite sex in public.

    FeetDon’t show the soles of your feet; it’s considered disrespectful.

    HandsEat with your right hand; the left hand is used for ablutions.

    RamadanDon’t eat or drink in public during the fasting month of Ramadan.

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